
Practice News

As a precautionary measure, to safeguard the health and wellbeing of staff and clients, and to ensure our business operations are protected, we have taken the step to work remotely from home.

We are keeping in close contact with the Queensland Law Society and other suppliers of services to ensure that we are up to date with events as this crisis unfolds.

Consequently, we will not be holding any “face to face” meetings, and instead will be communicating by email, telephone, and other electronic means as necessary.

We regard this as sensible commercial practice and good governance, and trust that you will be of the same view.
Otherwise, it’s “business as usual” and we are here to support you and your families with your legal needs if they arise, and to continue to work on all ongoing matters.

Our office lines are being diverted so please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We thank you for your patience and understanding, and wish you and your families a safe passage through the coming months.

Yours sincerely,

Sonya Treble
Tamborine Mountain Law & Canungra Law

Legal News

Siblings Fight over Inheritance

Sibling rivalry – it’s a classic, rich plot line for countless books and movies, and a dynamic in millions of ordinary families around the globe. When parents die, sometimes that rivalry fades and other times, it’s the moment that reignites a tension that has simmered...

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The Power of Powers of Attorney

Purpose of a Power of Attorney Specific Powers: These documents are drafted as a result of specific instructions for a specific reason such as to sell a particular property whilst the principal is overseas. Enduring Powers:  Enduring Powers of Attorney provide for the...

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No room for offence when you are asked to leave the room.

The Legal Consultation You might find yourself feeling somewhat anxious about walking into a lawyer’s office for a legal consultation. This is understandable as often you are there to discuss private matters which can play an important role in your life. You may not...

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Different Wills for different families

When it comes to planning your estate, it is important to consider the types of Wills available to assist in meeting your testamentary wishes. Wills can be very simple or accommodate a range of possibilities. The following is an outline of the most common types of...

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